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Home > Window Cleaner > W120-F



Mamibot iGLASSBOT W120-F is the 4th generation square robot window cleaner and the 1st generation square robot window cleaner that has self-water-spray function. Also it is the thinnest robot window cleaner on global market by 2021. 

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2021 New Arrival

Mamibot's New Automatic
Robot Window Cleaner

which Features

Noise Level <65dB

A quiet and conformtable 

cleaning is prepared for you


The 8 scattered nozzles continuously spray water to glass surface. 150ml of water can supply 60 to 80 minutes lasting spraying.

Mamibot iGLASSBOT W120-F delivers more possibilities
It is workable for multiple surfaces, including window glass, seamless floor, seamless wall, bathroom glass, etc


Window Glass

Seamless Floor


Seamless Wall

Bathroom Glass


It’s been a big challenge to clean 
high-rise windows or external glass Isn’t it?


Smarter Auto-water-spraying

in 8 scattered nozzles

iGLASSBOT W120-F owns an electronic-controlled water tank of 150ml capacity, you can control the water spraying easily via remote control


We love the cleaning robot
with more than ten reasons


Intelligent Path-planing for
Prediction, dogging and Returning

Sensors help the robot to complete cleaning in “Z” or “N”, or “Z”+”N” modes and avoid itself being stuck by window handles


An electronically controlled water tank with

constant-pressure control system 

For a Deeper Wet Cleaning

 The water tank has a 150ml capacity which supports

60-80 sqm wet cleaning. The scattered nozzles provide averaged and efficient spraying to the glass surfaces, and

maximize its cleaning efficiency.


 2KPA-2.6KPA Auto Suction-adjustion

 It can adjust suction power automatically

 Powered by a smart algorithm, the robot detects and adjusts   suction as per the exact target surface’s condition change,  delivering a better experience in the cleaning process


Adapt itself  to different levels of cleaning tasks

There are Dry Cleaning Mode, Wet Cleaning Mode, Auto Cleaning Mode, X2 Cleaning mode for you to choose from. 

Auto Mode
To execute
one cycle of
dry wipping

Powerful Mode 

in“N”+”Z” cleaning mode

Wet wipping
To execute one cycle of wet wipping


High-precision Sensors
ensure a smarter and safer cleaning

Pressure sensors and laser sensors are combined on W120-F. It detects edges or obstacles more precisely to avoid falling or being stuck between the window frames, especially at the corner-cross-point of two frames. 


Upgraded AI cleaning pattern

Higher coverage rate, lower repeating rate

The robot is supported by various sensors including gyroscope, pressure sensor, water detection sensor, laser distance meter, and anti-falling sensor.

Strong and Quieter but Powerful Brushless Motor
can keep the robot stick on glass tight and safe, meanwhile, it gives strong power to guarantee a good cleaning result


W120-F can be used for most types of windows because it is only 1.6KG in weight and can be handled and maintained easily, users can put it on the external side of glass as long as the opened-window size is bigger than 24cm.

8.1cm Super Slim, only 1.6KG 
Easier Operation, Simpler Maintenance



Remote controllable
W120-F can be controlled by a 2.4G wireless 
remote from a straight-line distance of 10 meters. Users can also change cleaning modes,cleaning speeds, direct the cleaning position via the remote control.

Safety Rope Integrated
It reaches 5 meters far from the body, it's good for most residential windows cleaning


My AutoMating Ideas

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