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Mamibot iGLASSBOT W110-F is a robot window cleaner with patented Pumped TM Water Spray Features. It is the 4th gen round robot window cleaner, and it is by now the slimmest robot window cleaner with water spraying function.

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2020 Flagship Model:  W110-F

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Multifunctional Cleaning 

Features and Advantages

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After heavy dust is moved out, wet cleaning can be more      efficient and thorougher

Heavy dust is hard to be moved, but dry wiping can help.

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AI Control System

Intelligent and Efficient

A new generation of AI intelligent design is integrated with powerful cleaning performance, supported by chips that are strengthening the control system and path planning system.

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Sensitive Edge-pressure detection system
Built-in pressure detection sensors recall the robot moving backward when detecting frameless glass edge.
***data from the lab for reference only, it is not suggested to clean frameless glass

Precise algorithm &sensors for window lock catch detection 

Detect the window lock catch in time to prevent unnecessary stops or device-block during the cleaning process

Anti-falling and frameless detecting

When it meets a frameless glass edge, edge-detection will be triggered automatically to prevent the robot from pressure loss which may cause falling off.

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Spray water accurately

When the robot moves upward and rightward, spraying will be activated automatically. Spraying frequencies can be altered via APP and remote control.

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Spray and wipe alternately
Proper use of space, accurate coverage of the entire wiping path, and smart nozzle spraying design integrated.

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Spray and wipe efficiently

Wipe and spray alternately, without missing any proper step

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Dry and Wet wiping integrated 

Choose dry wiping for first time cleaning, to wipe heavy dust and dirt; choose wet wiping  in the secondary circle for more thorough cleaning experience.

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Multiple ways to keep safe

Safety Rope, UPS and Safety Cable are all provided to keep the cleaning process safely

Negative pressure suction

UPS battery for Emergency

50ml water capacity is safe and enough

Screwed Bolt Set
to lock the robot

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Use it in an easy way

Control your robot in 3 simple ways APP, One-touch button, Remote control

Four levels of spraying interval
can be adjusted


Brushless motors of high-precision

W110-F has motors with features of higher rotating speed, stronger power and lower noise
Motor Rotating Speed: 27000rpm


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