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Cordlesser® V8

The Mamibot Cordlesser® V8 Multifunction cordless stick vacuum cleaner is the strongest stick vacuum cleaner in Mamibot company. It is featured with 27000PA maximum suction power, 10-35 minutes running time, 2200mAh lithium battery.


Cordlessver V8
27000PA Max Suction


Super Brushless Motor

Cordlesser V8 is supported by 100000 rpm brushless motor,  delivering maximumly 27000pa cyclone suction power.

Brushless Motor
100000 rpm/min

27000 Pa
Strong suction


Stylish Design

Be Simple and elegant have always been the style of Mamibot products. No worry about it getting outdated.Design

Cleaning the Floor

Cordless V8

Simple, Strong and Efficient

100000 rpm
Vacuuming motor

27000 pa
Strong suction

3-layer filtration

Lithium battery

Max 35min Running time

Standard/max Suction Mode


Tractional roller brush

When using V8, the roller brush can slightly drag the cleaner to move forward, which brings a more comfortable and flexible experience in vacuuming.

Energy saving

The Specially designed vacuuming motor has a rotating speed of 100000rpm, However it is quite energy saving, with acceptable and minimized noise level


High Speed

Intensive suction

Low Noise


Lays down flat

The Specially designed vacuuming motor has a rotating speed of 100000rpm, However it is quite energy saving, with acceptable and minimized noise level

Long-lasting battery

The Specially designed vacuuming motor has a rotating speed of 100000rpm, However it is quite energy saving, with acceptable and minimized noise level


lithium battery

Long battery life

Standard/Max Suction Power


Two in one brush head

The crevice brush is designed to clean surface of sofa, keyboards, curtains, car seats and other crevices.

Front head LED light

The front LED light provides unobstructed views of dust and blind spots, debris can not hide from any of your cleaning paths.


All-round Flexbile Angle

Cordlesser V8 can be operated in a wide angle of 180 degrees in vertical and 90 degrees in horizontal


Replaceable roller brush design

There are two brushes, the roller brush is for all types of hard floor cleaning, and the bristle brush is for carpets/rugs cleaning. You can replace brushes timely when cleaning different floors


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