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ProVac Titan

Mamibot ProVac Titan - Mamibot's strongest entry level hybrid robot cleaner for smaller sized apartments.


Multiple cleaning modes

There are four optional modes to meet your different cleaning conditions. 


Spot Cleaning

Zigzag Cleaning

Edge Cleaning


Vacuuming, mopping and sweeping integrated


1100pa powerful suction 

It has the most powerful vacuuming ability among all entry level robot cleaners

Everyday scheduling system 

You can set up cleaning schedules from Monday to Sunday by simply configuring the APP. It runs as you wish and recharges whenever the battery is low.

Monday to Sunday.jpg

9 core features

​Vacuuming and Mopping at one-step

PROVAC TITAN without letters2.jpg

1100Pa Vacuuming

7.4cm slim design

Long twin side brushes

Infrared anti-bumping

1.5cm obstacle crossing

2 stages of air filtering

Brushless motors

2600mAh Battery

Sweeping and mopping

Two-levels suction adjustment


There are two levels of adjustable suction power for different cleaning conditions. 

Standard suction: 880PA   Max suction: 1100PA


Two stages of air filtering system


Two stages of air filtering can keep exhausted air clean, and avoid secondary pollution. 

SUPER Slim Design - only 7.4cm


ProVac TITAN enters underneath areas like beds, sofa, chairs, and tables easily.


15mm obstacle crossing


It climbs over up to 15mm obstacles

Infrared anti-collision


Seven sets of anti-collision sensors can protect your furniture


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Mamibot specializes in designing and manufacturing high-tech robotic products and innovative cleaning devices.
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