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Mamibot Roboticis made a successful exhibition at the Canton Fair from April 15th to 19th, 2024

Apr 20, 2024

Mamibot, a leading provider of innovative cleaning robots and devices, recently concluded a successful exhibition at the prestigious Canton Fair. The company unveiled its latest products, including the Floor washers FLOMO LITE, FLOMO S, CORDED FLOMO S, dual-pad steaming mop STEAMO100, Robot window cleaners W120-P, W120-DP, W100, robot floor cleaners EXVAC730, Stick vacuums Flexa Pro, V6 PRO, and the revolutionary SOLARWALKER S1 - a robot cleaner specially designed for cleaning solar panels, to an international audience of over 500 clients.


During the event, Mamibot received overwhelming interest and positive feedback from attendees, solidifying its reputation as a trailblazer in the cleaning industry. The company's commitment to cutting-edge technology and innovative design was evident in the showcased products, which offer unparalleled performance and efficiency.


"We are thrilled with the enthusiastic response we received at the Canton Fair," said the sales manager of Mamibot. "Our team worked tirelessly to develop these groundbreaking cleaning solutions, and it is incredibly rewarding to see them resonate with our global clients."


The SOLARWALKER S1, in particular, drew significant attention for its innovative design and functionality. This robot cleaner is specially engineered to automatically clean solar panels, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency for solar energy systems.


With a focus on quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction, the company is poised for continued success and growth in the competitive market.

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Mamibot specializes in designing and manufacturing high-tech robotic products and innovative cleaning devices.
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