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My Solar, My Life

Mysolar, the supplier of high efficiency solar panels

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About Mysolar

Mysolar is a Mamibot company and brand, specialized in designing and manufacturing solar panels with the most the-state-of-the-art technology. 

Mysolar aims to build itself tier 1 brand solar panel manufacturer. Mysolar has a team of the most experienced engineers with more than 17 years in Solar PV manufacturing, the strictest quality control team who averagely worked more than 12 years in Solar Panel production , the most client-oriented and professional sales team who know the art to provide proper solutions and answers to customers and the most dedicated R&D masters who can bring the latest cost-effective and high-efficent solar modules to the market. 

We believe that we are rewriting the history of  energy consumption way and we are doing more to build a cleaner and more comfortable world.

Capacity 2.2GW

Capacity 2.2GW

China basement 800MW Vietnam basement 400MW

Worldwide shipment

Worldwide shipment

6.3GW solar panels were shipped till 2023

Installations worldwide

Installations worldwide

6GW solar panels were installed worldwide



Mysolar USA headquarters

Mysolar HJT Panel: with a super high power output up to 730W and efficiency of 23.50%

Some reasons that make HJT panels better than general mono perc modules.

Higher Power Output based on the same size, up to 730W maximumly with 210x210mm wafer.

Higher Panel Efficiency: up to 23.50%

Much Lower Bos: saves up to 10%

More electricity gain: up to 9%

Better hot-spot resistance

Less Micro-crack risks due to lower
proceduring Temperature

Better PID performance and no LID

Low Temperature Production procedure

Longer Warranty with less degradation

Much Higher Bifaciality up to 95%

Lower temperature co-efficient: -0.26%/℃

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Assembling Spacecraft

Mysolar confident Linear Performance warranty for the high-efficient solar panels


Certifications for Mysolar and the solar panels

CHUBB Insurance Mysolar.png

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Mysolar is a Mamibot company and brand of solar power products including solar modules/panels, solar inverters, residential solar system and commercial solar power plants. it aims to build Mysolar as tier 1 brand solar panel manufacturer worldwide. Solar panel manufacturer, solar module factory|太阳能组件制造商|ソーラーパネルメーカー、ソーラーモジュール工場|Producent paneli słonecznych, fabryka modułów słonecznych|Hersteller von Solarmodulen, Fabrik für Solarmodule|Производитель солнечных панелей, завод солнечных модулей|Fabricant de panneaux solaires, usine de modules solaires|Solpanel producent, solmodul fabrik|태양 전지 패널 제조 업체, 태양 전지 모듈 공장|Výrobce solárních panelů, továrna na solární moduly|Fabrikant van zonnepanelen, fabriek van zonnemodules|Fabricante de painel solar, fábrica de módulos solares|Výrobca solárnych panelov, továreň na solárne moduly|ผู้ผลิตแผงโซลาร์เซลล์, โรงงานโมดูลพลังงานแสงอาทิตย์|Güneş paneli üreticisi, güneş modülü fabrikası|Виробник сонячних панелей, завод сонячних модулів|Κατασκευαστής ηλιακών συλλεκτών, εργοστάσιο ηλιακών μονάδων|Napelem gyártója, napelemmodul gyár|Produttore di pannelli solari, fabbrica di moduli solari|Nhà sản xuất bảng điều khiển năng lượng mặt trời, nhà máy mô-đun năng lượng mặt trời|مصنع الألواح الشمسية ومصنع للطاقة الشمسية|
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