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Mopa® 680MINI

Mamibot Mopa® 680MINI multifunctional cordless electric mop with dual spinning pads is a newly designed light version electric mop/waxer/polisher, that cleans almost every type of hard floor.

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Mamibot MOPA® 680mini with fast dual rotating pads

User-friendly adjustable handle, easier than you think of.

Wipe out dust fast and with no stain left.

Mamibot MOPA380 NEW home use waxer, polisher, electric mop, cleaner
Mamibot MOPA380 NEW home use waxer, polisher, electric mop, cleaner
Mamibot MOPA380 NEW home use waxer, polisher, electric mop, cleaner
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Flexible operation angles

Adjustable in different cleaning angles

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Multifunctional Spin Electric mop

Cordless, easy-handling




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Deal with various conditions
Wet / Dry / Polishing Scrubbing

One device with 4 cleaning functions

Dust           Oil stain     Milk stain   Muddy debris


One Press Spraying
Wet Mopping with no water residual

Energy Saving
Time Saving
Labor Saving

One-hand Operation

No bending over

Comfortable and efficient

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For almost every type of hard floors, including marble, wooden,laminated, ceramic, etc.

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About 50DB, Super Quiet

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Change cleaning
cloth easily


Powerful battery
One charge for 50min cleaning time
Up to around 150 sqm cleaning area

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You walk, it works
Hold the handle to drive it in proper direction, less strength is required in cleaning

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Store it in Standing Posture

Safe* Convenient*Simple*

It is a tool, a cleaner, an ornament and assistant for your house

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A professional waxer for your laminates/wooden floors

Polish/wax your wooden floor to brand new whenever you want

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