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Home > Electric Mop Washer Vacuum > Cordless FLOMO S


The Mamibot CORDLESS FLOMO S is a Multifunctional 4-in-1 vacuuming, washing, sweeping and steaming all integrated floor. The high-temperature steam is the most outstanding function of this vacuum which can remove heavy dirt and kills 99.99% bacteria and germs.

Additional Features:

  • Multiple Surface Cleaning Options

  • Various Cleaning Modes: Auto Mode, Wet Washing, Dry Suction, or Steaming

  • Self-propelled Roller Brush

  • Long-lasting Runtime: Powered by a 4000mAh Li-ion Battery

  • Underneath Cleaning Capability

  • Strong Suction Power: 8kPa to 14kPa

  • Edge Cleaning Functionality


Steam, Vacuum and Mop Cleaner.

​Wipe Out All Wet /Dry Messes at Once.


High-temperature steam

Self-cleaning &Charging




Dirty/Clean Separated



Up to 35Mins

New Upgrade Thorough Cleaning


High-temperature Cleaning Effective Decontamination

85°steam effectively dissolves substances, providing a hot bath. The built-in high-power instant boiler quickly heats the water. Hot air rapidly removes dirt, ensuring powerful decontamination.

Sterilization and Disinfection

Ensuring a spotless floor and safeguarding health. High-temperature steam removes viruses and bacteria from floors and other surfaces, allowing babies to crawl barefoot on the floor without worry.

Strong Cleaning Power

Wet and dry dual-purpose motor with a power output of up to 450W, providing strong suction while remaining quiet and lightweight. It features two-speed switching to meet daily cleaning needs.

Brushless motors provide stable performance.

low noise operation

long lifespan

high suction power


Experience exceptional cleaning power with strong suction

The brushless motor ensures robust suction swiftly tackles both dry and wet messes, leaving no residue behind, say goodbye to water stains

14000Pa of impressive suction

Slim Design Multi-scenario Cleaning

160° wide angle allows easy access under beds and sofas, eliminating dead corners for thorough cleaning.

One-touch Automatic Cleaning  

No need to worry about disassembly and washing, truly allows you to free your hands, put it back into the station after using it, and press the clean button, self-cleaning starts, and the roller brush will be dried after cleaning.

Dual-sided Enhanced  Edge Cleaning

The roller brush cleans both sides without adjusting its angle, easily removing dirt from corners, walls, tables, and narrow spaces.

Clean edges and seams effortlessly

Incorporate Power for Seamless and Effortless Use

The design features a low center of gravity and includes traction for forward, backward, and adaptable steering. One-handed control enables effortless cleaning smoothly.

one-handed control for smooth pushing and turning

Graphene Drying

After self-cleaning, the self-drying mode activates automatically for 12 hours at a low temperature, protecting the roller brush and preventing odors and bacterial , maintaining hygienic

Avoid odor and bacterial growth

High Temperature Steam
Kills germs and bacteria

Large Capacity Lithium Battery

Equipped with a 4000mAh large-capacity lithium battery, this device can operate for up to 35 minutes on a single charge, making it suitable for cleaning an entire house.

Easily clean the entire house. 

standard mode

high power mode

Intuitive Cleaning with Smart Voice Assistant

The large LED screen effectively displays the host's status in real-time, and the voice broadcast delivers clear and helpful prompts to get the most out of your cleaning sessions.

Power off, Please put it back to the charging station for self cleaning

The water tank is empty, please add water

The battery is low, please wait


600 ml Large Water Tank 

600 ML clean water tank +800 ML dirty water tank, providing a larger cleaning capacity for more extensive areas add water once to clean the entire house, and say goodbye to the hassle of frequently refilling and pouring.

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