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The LDS 5.0 robot cleaner with trash self-emptying -Mamibot EXVAC900S EXCEEDER is configured with the latest Lidar navigation system, D-tof sensors and ultrasonic sensors that can improve its cleaning performance.
Mamibot EXVAC900S EXCEEDER features four levels of adjustable suction power (from 650Pa to 4000Pa), three levels of wet mopping seepage speed, 100 to 245 minutes of running time, App, voice control, multiple cleaning modes, self-charging, scheduling, Trash Self-emptying, Mapping, Zoning, Room Selecting on APP.
***The edition without trash self-emptying is named EXVAC900 Surpass, while the edition with trash self-emptying is named

EXVAC900S EXCEEDER. Please subject to the exact product you buy from your sellers.

Parallel Lines
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Up to 4KPA with Trash Self-emptying

LDS 5.0
Robot Cleaner



Mamibot’s Latest Model High-end Flagship Robot 

AI Tech
LDS 5.0 Navigation
Precise Mapping
Intelligent Zoning
Up to 4KPA Suction
Multiple Modes
Optimized Vacuuming
Li-ion Battery
D-TOF Sensors
3 layers of Filtering
3-levels of Seepage
4-levels of Suction
1.5-2cm Climbing
OTA Upgrading
All-in-one App
9.8cm Slim Designed
White Background
LDS 5.0 Navigation
The LDS 5.0 navigation system provides fast and precise scanning for the mapping and cleaning patterns
Saves up to 5 maps

EXVAC900S scans your floor structure, and saves up to 5 different maps so that it can recall the cleaning patterns and execute cleaning efficiently

All-in-One APP
Control your EXVAC900S anywhere at any time

OTA upgrading
Change Modes
Change Suction
Change Seepage
Divide Areas Automatically
Zone a to-be cleaned Room
Virtual Barrier
Name Multi Rooms
Single-room Selection

Our Water Tank

Old Detachable
Water Tank

300ml for bigger mopping capacity

Maximum 150ml only for smaller area

Leaking whenever attached

Seepage flow not controllable

3 levels of controllable speed

Automatically stop leaking in parking, triggered by your order

Bigger area with a 30cm wide cloth

Uneven leaking in narrowed area


300ml Water tank (+/-5%)

The water tank is electronic-controllable, with 3 levels of seepage speed. It is also possible to control the seepage on the APP page. One full tank of water is able to support a 90 minutes lasting wet mopping.

Water Tank

3 levels of
Seepage Flow

Vacuuming, Sweeping and Mopping Integrated

EXVAC900S is a hybrid robot cleaner. The mopping time lasts up to 90 min with one 300ml full-filled detachable water tank

D-TOF Sensor


EXVAC900S is configured with D-TOF sensors which can support the laser better in scanning and wall-following.


Adjustable Suction in 4 levels

Turn it in Max Suction for heavy dirty and dust cleaning, change it to standard mode for general sweeping, lower to Mini to enjoy quiet vacuuming.

Remote Operating & OTA Upgrading


Change Modes


Change Suction

Seepage Adjusting

Schedule Setting

Upgrade the firmware and APP edition via OTA, control and check your robot from smart phone at any time, from anywhere when network is available. 

Workable with smart speaker

EXVAC900S can be connected to smart speakers such as Alexa, Google home,Yandex,Tmall Geneie.

Top View of Wood Floor & Table
Press to Factory Settings

Clear the system bugs and recover it to the Factory Settings by a press

Floating Beater Brush

The floating beater brush is able to be lifted up and down so that EXVAC900S can vauum the floor thorougher with higher suction, especially when it is vacuuming on rugs.


Super Suction but Quiet

EXVAC900S EXCEEDER vacuums most types of floor dust and debris in 4 levels of suction power

Brushless Suction Motor

Verticalized Air Duct


Slim designed but strong

With a 9.8cm height to enter underneath areas or hard-to-clean places easily, and it can climb over obstacles up to 2cm hight

in height

Climb over
1.5-2cm obstcales

Super Long-lasting Running
After one full charge, it works for maximum 245 min in quiet mode and 100 min in Max Mode


Battery Pack



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A Big dust collector with capaticity > 3litres can supoort over 1 month dust collection.

The pop-up bucket cover is more convenient and user-friendly

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The dust collector CRAFT Y is a charging dock and dust storage station


Enjoy a better life with EXVAC900S

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